

The Diary of Lady Murasaki - Unabridged #03 紫式部日記(全)

Part 3

“ Eleventh day. At dawn, the north sliding doors were removed to merge the two rooms together.”














Eleventh day. At dawn, the north sliding doors were removed to merge the two rooms together. The Queen was carefully moved towards the veranda, as there was not enough time to hang misu. Instead, she was surrounded by kicho, providing a sense of privacy and tranquility. The Reverend Gyocho and other priests performed incantations, while the Reverend Ingen recited a prayer composed by the Lord Prime Minister, embellishing it with his own solemn vows. The words spoken were filled with utmost reverence and hope. The Prime Minister joined in the prayer, instilling a sense of confidence in a fortunate delivery. However, a lingering anxiety persisted, casting a somber tone upon the scene. Many eyes welled up with tears, even though we admonished ourselves that tears were not fitting for the occasion.

It was said that the Queen was experiencing discomfort due to the crowded rooms. As a result, orders were given for people to relocate to the south and east rooms, leaving only the most important figures within the Royal Apartment. The Prime Minister, Lady Sanuki, and Lady Saisho remained behind the protective screen. The esteemed priest from Ninna Temple and the court priest from Mii Temple were summoned to their presence. The Prime Minister issued various commands, and his voice resounded over those of the priests. Ladies Dainagon, Koshosho, Miya-no-Naishi, Nakatsukasa-no-Kimi, Tayu-no-Myobu, Daishikibu-no-Omoto, and Tono-no-Senji—all venerable ladies of experience—were present, yet even they were understandably bewildered. As a novice myself, I keenly felt the gravity of the situation. Behind the curtain, there stood the nurses of Princesses Naishi-no-Kami and Nakatsukasa, the Queen's sister Shōnagon, and her younger sister Koshikibu. These nurses maneuvered through the narrow passage behind the two screens, obstructing anyone from passing that way. Numerous other individuals were bustling about, but I could not discern their identities.

The Prime Minister's son, Lieutenant-General Saisho, Major-General Masamichi of the Fourth Rank, Lieutenant-General Tsunefusa of the Left Bodyguard, and Miya-no-Tayu—all of whom were not intimately acquainted with Her Majesty—gazed over her screen for a considerable time. Their eyes were swollen from weeping, their disregard for the shame of it all apparent. White rice was scattered on their heads, resembling snow. Though their disheveled appearance may have seemed unseemly, such details only occupied our thoughts retrospectively. A portion of the Queen's head was shaved, a sight that greatly surprised and saddened me. However, she delivered her child peacefully. The expulsion of the after-birth was delayed, prompting the priests to gather on the south balcony beneath the eaves of the magnificent main building. Reciting sutras fervently, they often knelt, engrossed in their prayers.

Among the ladies-in-waiting on the east side, a few courtiers could be seen. Lady Kochujo's gaze met that of the Lieutenant-General, causing amusement among onlookers at her astonished expression. She is a captivating and refined individual, always meticulous in adorning her face. However, this morning, her eyes were red, and tears had spoiled her rouge. She appeared disfigured and hardly recognizable. Lady Saisho's makeup was also imperfect, but what about my own? Fortunately, such details go unnoticed during such times.

As the after-birth began, the air was filled with the jealously swearing voices of the evil spirits. Shinzo-Azari took charge of Lady Ben-no-Kurodo, Sōyo took charge of Hyoé-no-Kurodo, and priest Hojuji took charge of Ukon-no-Kurodo. Chiso Azari assumed responsibility for Lady Miya-no-Naishi. However, the latter priest succumbed to the overpowering influence of the evil spirit. Seeing his pitiable state, Ninkaku Azari went to his aid. It was not because the efficacy of his prayer was lacking, but rather, the spirit was too formidable. Priest Eiko was entrusted with Lady Saisho's supplicator of the spirit. Throughout the night, he swore fervently until his voice grew hoarse. Most of the ladies who were summoned in order for the spirits to enter them remained unharmed, causing them great concern as they wished for any attack to benefit the Queen. By noon, we felt as if the sun had finally emerged from behind the clouds. The Queen was at ease!

She is now at peace—a joy beyond compare! Moreover, it is a prince, so the joy cannot be contained. The court ladies, who had spent the previous day in a state of anxiety, unsure of what to do, resembled wanderers in the mist of the early morning. One by one, they retreated to their own chambers to find rest, leaving before the Queen only a select group of elderly individuals fitting for such occasions.