底本:「中島敦全集 3」ちくま文庫、筑摩書房
The writings of Mr. Kyoka
Just as there are famous places of flowers in Japan, there are famous places of atmosphere in Japanese literature. The art of Kyoka Izumi is just that. I remember someone saying that. However, it is unlikely that many of today's female students have read any of Kyoka's works. And if there were such people, they would surely say that Kyoka is nothing new to them. Nevertheless, what I want to say here with great authority is that not reading the works of Kyoka, despite being born Japanese or understanding the Japanese language, is like giving up the privilege of being Japanese. This is what I mean. Moreover, it can be said (somewhat paradoxically) that it is unfortunate (at least for those who aspire to literature) for writers such as Naoya Shiga not to know his works, as well as unfortunate (at least for those who aspire to literature) to know them, but this is not the case with Kyoka. It is a misfortune not to know about Kyoka's works, while it is a blessing to know about them. It can be clearly said that "it is a misfortune not to know about Kyoka's works, and a blessing to know them". Herein lies the reason why his works are not modern novels, and also the reason why they have an eternally new appeal.
Mr Kagamihana is truly a magician of words. He is the illusionist of emotional decoration. He is a mysterious sorcerer who possesses a "vessel of false pretences that makes a grain of mustard look like an apple" and "strange glasses that expand and contract to look into the sky of the priests of Haramichi. His art is an anaesthetic and opium.
In fact, his artistic situation is not only unique in Japanese literature, but also in world literature. Is it merely my imagination to think that he is superior to Poe in his mysticism (even though he has no science at all) and far superior to Hoffmann in his boundless emotions? The most fanciful of the fanciful, the most romantic of the romantic, the most emotional of the emotional (Japanese, of course) - they come together to create a Kyoka world that is the ultimate in the glamorous and bizarre. In this world, all the ugly reality disappears before the unrestrained imagination of the artist, and only what is considered 'beautiful' or 'right' is active in all directions, illuminated by his unique aesthetic eye or view of justice. The women who appear in the film, even the youngest of the servants, must all be white as white can be. This is a world that, from our current point of view, is almost anachronistic - a world in which bearded officials are honourable and various titles are exorbitantly important - but it is a world in which such anachronisms are not the norm. It is curious that even the childish notions (and even the childish incongruity of his conception of his work) are here an essential element of 'Kyoka-esque beauty'. The monstrousness created by bats (Yujo no Tamashii), emoeba, kappa (Tobiken Genari), leeches, monkeys (Koya Sei), etc., and the pure-hearted girls (Fukeizu no Otsuta, Tsuya Monogatari no Chozan, etc.) and brave older brothers and sisters (Sanmaizuna no Aikichi) who live with gusto and tension in the narrow streets (Fukeizu no Omyo, Sanmaizuna no Onatsu and the following), and the atmosphere created by the women (Fukeizu no Otsata, Tsuneyama, etc.) and the men (Fukeizu no Otsata, Sanmaizuna no Onatsu and the following) who are all in their element. --The two are mixed together to create a separate paradise, or kankun, unified to Kyoka's liking. The reader knows at first that this is a work of fiction - a work of fiction, and a very great work of fiction at that - but is dragged along, and before he knows it, the reader is left with the impression that this is a work of fiction. The boundary between the author's dream and reality is lost. Herein lies the difference between his works and Soseki's earlier works, such as The London Tower, The Shield of Illusion and The Field of Poppies. While reading these Soseki works, the reader is able to remember that they are works of fiction until the very end. With Kyoka's works, however, the reader is somehow caught up in the author's dream, and only after finishing the volume does he breathe a sigh of relief and realise that it was not real. This, I think, is not a difference of talent between the two writers, but a difference of passion for their own dreams.
By the way, it is said that in order to become accustomed to the pleasures of opium, one has to endure an extraordinary amount of discomfort and pain. Moreover, it is said that once you become accustomed to it, you will be so bound by its pleasures that you will not be able to leave it even for a moment. I believe that the same can be said of Kyoka's art. In order to reach the unexplored world of Kyoka, one must first break through the barrier of "a reluctance to express oneself". Without passing through this obstacle, it is impossible to peek into the otherworldly world of Kyoka. In fact, his expression is both strange and austere. The kite is carved on the wall of the night, and in the blink of an eye it disturbs my exquisite mural painting, and the shadows of the Yuego Lion's score dance as flies. Even the earthworms cut off their heads in a circle, and the skunks dance in a warp.' (The first time you read this sentence, you will be amazed. In this eccentricity of expression, he is in a way in common with the new sensibility school that emerged later in the Taisho era. In general, the aim of the New Sensory School is not so much "newness in the way of perceiving the stimuli of the outside world" but rather "newness in the way of expressing these sensations". If we look at it simply in terms of the freshness and newness of the senses, we can go far back into the history of literature and find the following example: 'I put the amazura in the shaved ice and put it in the new cover with the new metal bowl. Snow is falling on crystal beads, wisteria flowers and plum blossoms. They eat the beautiful and beautiful children's coverings." The author of the Pillow Book, who saw the "crystal beads, wisteria flowers and plum blossoms" as "things to be expected", is also a member of the admirable new sensibility school. The new sensibility school based on the magazine Bungei Jidai (Literary Age) rather emphasised only eccentric expressions. In fact, it seems that by striving for a method of expression, they conversely trained themselves to the sharpness of the senses, which should be the basis of such expression.
'The bow of the stamen shot an arrow into the blue sky like a new moon.' ...... 'Spring Scenery' (Kawabata Yasunari)
'The plains of the chestnut-haired horse, undulating with the madman, made a black horizon and overflowed like a tide to the fall.' ...... 'Napoleon and Tamushi' (Toshikazu Yokomitsu)
If we look at Kyoka simply in terms of the freshness of his sensibility and the novelty of his expression, he is in no way inferior to these new sensationists.
The blue in the rain is the fin of the blue maned fish. The shape is small, but the dark-grey, diamond-shaped fish, with about 30 pieces arranged in piles, are piled up in a triangular shape, the lower pile is indigo poured on the stones under the eaves, and the upper pile is beach sand, so it has the freshness of a shadowy peep into a pyramid at the bottom of the sea.' (Tennyo at the Egg Tower Place)
'The train is already far away, exhaling the white smoke of the famous roasted clams like a dream under the moon, glowing through the true blue field road.' (The following are just a few examples, but they are by no means inferior to those of the New Sense School. However, the works of Yokomitsu and others at the time had a novelty in the composition of the whole work (or a scene in it) itself, which was not seen in Kyoka's works.
My father died suddenly. I crossed the Channel, ate bananas for four days and went out to a city I didn't know yet. My mother sat alone in a strange, triangular glass house on a certain street corner, as blank as a desk." 'Captain Blue' by Toshikazu Yokomitsu.
This is due to the difference in the author's view of reality, and it is not surprising that in terms of literary history, this is seen in the New Sensibility School, which was baptised into the Expressionist school, and not in Kyoka, who was before the Expressionist school.
However, in just a few years, the writers of the New Sensibility School have abandoned their eccentric methods of expression (or have lost the ability to use them). In contrast, Kyoka has been adhering to his own original method of expression and adding more and more colour to it, as if he had been doing it for 30 years and a day. I believe that this is evidence that, in contrast to the New Sense School authors, whose methods of expression were merely the result of a passing fancy (although in the case of Yokomitsu, it cannot be said that this is the case), Kyoka's is above all a method of expression that came from within her own mind and that she has acquired. Indeed, it is impossible to capture the beautiful fantasies - the bizarre mental landscapes - of Kyoka's inner self without the soaring, strange and elegant, and luxurious weaving of his words. Therefore, his writings, no matter how bizarre they may appear to other people's eyes, are for him a unique art of expression that cannot be replaced by anything else. It is precisely because his writing is backed up by his own feelings and senses that it attracts so many people. If it were merely a whim or an idea, I am convinced that it would have been transformed over the course of 30 long years.